Business Consultancy.

Running your own business, big or small, if you are solely in charge, have business partners, or work with your family, is not easy! I know, I have done it for over 20 years.

I have solely owned, invested in, partnered in and bought out of administration and helped re-build, a range of companies over the last 20 years.

I have had great successes, sold several, invested for the long term, but also dealt with failures, an important element that for me should never be denied, but understood and learnt from.

I have experienced the superb highs when business is flying and you may feel invincible, and the real real pressures when things are not and it effects every element of your life, including personal.

As said to me by one of Lord Sugar's Business Partners, "I have been around the block".

Although still actively managing Maybea Media, with direct involvement with many clients, I also work directly as a Business Consultant.

I try to take this long and wide range of experiences, to support others, at different stages of their business journey. I am not a fan of “fluffy talk”, just prefer to be clear and straight.

Some people simply want an outsiders input into their ideas, to check financials, to rationalise their thoughts, or help plan product development and direction advice.

If you are working on your own, a second pair of eyes, support, a leaning post, can be a great support. If you are in a partnership, an independent view can help talk through your ideas, if you are in a family business, a none family view, without the potentially emotional element can help.

Whatever your needs, I will be totally honest if I feel I can offer the support you need and honest if I feel I cannot.

I genuinely enjoy helping business owners that would like some of this experience passing down the line.

Please email in and I would be glad to have an informal chat and see what could be done.

Steve Kitchen

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